EDitorial ± 16-Feb-2014
130Story: Hearty / Moon / Will / Base / Brag
The rules of 130Story are simple: given a random seed word, write a story in 130 characters.
Gentlemen, consider heart X. Seems like the real thing, no? Actually glass. Now heart Y. Broken? No, this heart will go on and on. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) February 15, 2014
Armstrong, Aldrin, Conrad, Bean
Shepard, Mitchell, Scott have been
Irwin, Young, Duke, Harrison Schmitt
Gene Cernan and that's it @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) February 14, 2014
Lexicon Self v. Legendary Smith v. Laughing Boy Ferrell v. Love Rat Carling. Join us on ITV2, 10pm tonight, for Battle Of Wills. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) February 13, 2014
We didn't mind the local USAF base. Granted, their A10s were like thunder. But they let us use the bowling alley and buy Twinkies. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) February 12, 2014
So those lame little late night @130story tweets got me a top agent & @neilhimself keeps DM-ing me & my TED talk is next week! #NoTime2Sleep
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) February 11, 2014