EDitorial ± 28-Dec-2002
Gathering Winter Fuel
How was your Yuletide? Cool, I trust. Did Santa bring you everything or anything that you'd wished for? Instead of writing to the big guy in the Coca-Cola ad, I created an Amazon wishlist instead, and that seemed to work jolly well.
Besides the much appreciated books and CDs (numbers 4, 11, 13 and 22 in the NME top albums of 2002, as it would happen), I was mostly given pants. Plus a miniaturised table tennis set of which I'm already rather fond.
The Big Day was good fun if a little hectic: eldest up just before 6am, followed shortly by middler and littl'un. Obligatory stocking opening in bed, then downstairs to contemplate a plenitude of presents. No tears or tantrums until 8am when a mandatory break for breakfast occurred. Dad, can we open the rest of our presents please? Dad!
Enough from me. Go grab something from the tin of Roses and converse with a member of your family.
Be seeing you in 2003!