EDitorial ± 15-Jun-2005

Seriously, When's Your Bus?

To the NT-owned Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds last night to see the much-loved John Shuttleworth on tour. It's two years ago since he graced the Wolsey but, truth be told, not a lot changes in his world. Which is a big part of why we love him.

Last night's show was entitled Fawn Again, and found JS initially despondent about growing old, "no longer able to wear the vibrant colours of youth nor the pastels of middle age." Selected highlights:

  • a terrific song about the perils of tucking into treacle sponge when there's still shepherd's pie to be had, entitled I Can't Go Back To Savoury
  • the poster shows John with a ping-pong bat, though he's at pains to point out that this was merely posed with a sponge bat and not his own preferred hard bat
  • a short & sweet King Of The Hill-style animation called Unaccompanied Lady
  • re the interval, he advised solitary types to find an alcove and pretend to read about forthcoming events while tucking into a tub

Good old dependable John.