EDitorial ± 30-Nov-2014
130Story: Cream / View / Nerve / Goal / Sauce
The rules of 130Story are simple: given a random seed word, write a story in 130 characters.
"That," said Mo, "is the top 2%, the cream of the British education system." Mortar boards flew as the kids jumped off the bridge. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) November 29, 2014
In the Bakelite museum, I picked up a familiar object: a View-Master. Hey kids, I used to have... They were already in the cafe. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) November 28, 2014
RIP daredevil Merv, a chap the Lord could not preserve. He lost his nerve in Dead Man's Curve, transforming into quince conserve. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) November 27, 2014
McCleary! The sort of strike that just might save a season! That is a stunner! Top, top drawer!
-- The Ballad Of The Reading Goal
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) November 25, 2014
That gloopy scarlet river both lured and lulled us. A fateful bend to the north and we beheld a huge processing plant. The sauce! @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) November 25, 2014