EDitorial ± 27-Aug-2017
130Story: Worries / Begin / Leave / Activist / Object
The rules of 130Story are simple: given a random seed word, write a story in 130 characters.
"Thanks, Bruce," I said, "lovely meal."
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 25, 2017
"Em dub," he said.
"Em dub. Minimal wuz."
"Food," he said. "No worries." #130story
Bag-of-nerves Nigel stood to address the local palindromic society. Seeing all those faces, he froze. I shouted:
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 25, 2017
"Nige, begin!" #130story
Julie Chan, 23, won last weekend's Endurance Cobbling contest. As other competitors flagged, Julie was the last to leave her last. #130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 24, 2017
Four flights up, Mia waters her window box. No flowers, just a patch of turf. For Mia, being an activist starts at the grassroots. #130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 23, 2017
Smooth wood, sleek doors and so spacious. Pam's grown to love her first aid cabinet, the object of her afflictions. #130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 22, 2017
EDitorial ± 13-Aug-2017
130Story: Export / Crop / Larger / Intend
The rules of 130Story are simple: given a random seed word, write a story in 130 characters.
Selling to the Prussian Democratic Federation is painful. Masses of paperwork. Why do they make it so hard to export to the PDF? #130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 10, 2017
First day of term, Merv takes a deliberately bad group snap of the photography freshers, then asks:
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 9, 2017
"How d'you like the new crop?" #130story
Dad was really keen to visit the model village. Took us 15 minutes to see everything.
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 9, 2017
"I thought," said Dad, "it might be larger." #130story
"Balloon modelling? Don't make me laugh!"
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 7, 2017
"That's what I intend to do," I said.
You, my idol, sneered.
I'm hopelessly deflated. #130story
EDitorial ± 6-Aug-2017
130Story: Existence / Record / Casino / Mystery / Mix
The rules of 130Story are simple: given a random seed word, write a story in 130 characters.
Not sure philosophy of physics is for me. First lecture and my notes amounted to one sentence:
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 5, 2017
"Existence is measured in homes" #130story
Sunday evening.
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 3, 2017
Radio 1.
Two fingers poised.
Simon Bates intro:
"At number 2 this week, its M with Pop Muzik."
Play and record.#130story
We called our tuck shop The Casino. If you couldn't afford sweet cigarettes, you only needed a penny to join the blackjack table. #130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 3, 2017
"Bet it's Bodmin."
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) August 2, 2017
"My money's on Stiperstones."
"Could be Derwent."
Exiting the coach, they removed their Mystery Tor blindfolds. #130story
From the unwashed bowl
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) July 31, 2017
A spatula sings your name
Praise be for cake mix#130story