EDitorial ± 7-Jun-2019
Light Lunches: Nourish, Newbourne
Previous Friday on the last day of May, buddies having balked, I'd undertaken
a solo cycle spin past the static
and right on to the Ipswich Road before
Brightwell Barns.
Further on, skating the dystopian Last Transmissions and wot-no-cafe Katie's
Garden, I'd eventually located Nourish, apparently opened in
March 2019. To borrow the name of a BSE establishment, it was really rather
good. And, note, both dog and pony friendly.
Seven days later finds Tifosi Andy and Raleigh Ed saddling off from overcast Adastral and into the Brightwell breeze. Ten minutes later, pointing to the village pub, Andy remarked that it used to be the traditional place to celebrate the arrival of a child. The Fox? I queried. Newbourne, he clarified.
Unlike a week ago, there's ample seating outside due to that there weather. Specials today include pea, broccoli and mint soup, pitta pockets and a grilled avocado & halloumi open sandwich. However, club sandwich (chicken and bacon) for the retiree -- I need the protein, he claims -- and its veggie equivalent for me. Both come with dressed salad and vanish nicely in the chilly open barn seating area. Unusually good side drinks are a Nonsuch cherry & mint and an LA Brewery ginger made, as you'll have guessed, in Suffolk.
Doesn't take long before we're the only ones left exposed to the elements. Ignoring the supplied blankets, we head to the cosy interior which is busy busy busy. I spy sofas, high chairs of both sorts, a large table, an urn of cucumber water, art for sale, et cetera. Last time I'd had a magnificent "morning bun", a cross between a croissant and doughnut. Yep, the cronut has finally hit East Anglia. Lady told me they came from Worcester's of Bury St Edmunds. Googling around, that turned out to be Wooster's of Bardwell, esteemed local bakers. Slummed it this time with a single scone cream tea, yum, and a very decent espresso. Rev up your 4x4 and get nourished at Nourish.
If it was a car -- Dacia Duster.
If they were passing by -- John Quentin.