EDitorial ± 24-Jun-2011
Felixstowe Light Lunches: McDonald's
Culmination of what's officially called Team Green Britain Bike Week. Andy's
pulled together a loose team of 20 or so regular cyclists and encouraged us
to record as many "commuting" miles as we can this week, the aim being to score
more than other competing companies. However, we've both worked from home one
day so we're looking to top up our tallies with a pre-work breakfast meeting.
Which is why, as I'm cleaning my teeth at 7am, Andy calls to say he's now
passing Woodbridge.
- 7:05am: leave house, sun's out, guy on snazzy white bike zooms past and turns right down Chevallier St while I head through town centre
- 7:20am: crawling up Bishop's Hill, same white bike guy overtakes and queries my superior route
- 7:40am: past Suffolk showground and onto the Levington Road alongside A14
- 7:45am: Trimley sausage shop roundabout and there's Andy: what timing
- 7:50am: right turn past Trimley station and follow path to docks near
- 7:55am: past unlovely Anzani House to behold the golden arches of McDonald's outside the Port of Felixstowe
Bless those McJobbers for being open (and smiling) at this hour and also for providing ample outside seating in the seaside sun: tres continental. Briefly inside to survey the wide ranging Falling Down breakfast menu. Simple brekky bagel for him, pancakes for me. With a patty. And hot maple syrup. Plus butter. Hey, I've worked for these calories. Yum-yum. Bottle of Tropicana goodness too.
Here's friend Rene, albeit in his motorised car. And here's mutual friend Chris fresh from trying to buy some Olympic tickets at 6am. And here's another keen cyclist who's also made the journey from Ipswich. Final swig of coffee and off goes the peloton up the infeasibly steep Peewit Hill. Only another nine miles to Martlesham. Farewell to McDonald's: affordable, open all hours, free newspaper, free WiFi (yes, Burger King, I'm looking at you) and more than acceptable coffee.
If it was a car -- Chevrolet Corvette.
If they were passing by -- Graham Taylor.