Articles and Book Reviews
Articles and book reviews by Charles Tracy, by date of publication
- 'The 14th-Century Canons' Stalls in the Collegiate Church of St Mary, Astley, Warwickshire', JBAA, (Leeds 2009), 88-124.
- Book review of Agnès Bos and nine other contributors, L'Art des Frères d'Amboise. Les chapelles de l'hôtel de Cluny et du château de Gaillon. Exposition presentée du 3 octobre 2007 au 14 janvier 2008 au musée national du Moyen Âge – Thermes et hôtel de Cluny et au musée de la Renaissance, château d'Écouen (Paris 2007), Antiquaries Jnl, 89 (2009), 450-53.
- Book review of David Sherlock, Suffolk Church Chests, (Ipswich: Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History (2008), Antiquaries Jnl, 89 (2009), 459-60).
- 'Informing the reordering debate. Evaluating English pews', Historic Churches. The Building Conservation Directory Special Report on Historic Churches, 16 (2009), 22-24.
- ODNB entry for William Pykenham (2008).
- 'The former nave and choir oak furnishings, and the west and south porch doors at the Chapel of St Nicholas, King's Lynn', Medieval Art and Architecture in King's Lynn and the Fens (2005), ed. J McNeill, BAA King's Lynn Conference Trans, XXXI (Leeds 2008), 28-52.
- 'Master William Pykenham, LL.D (c. 1425-97). Scholar, Churchman, Administrator, Lawyer and Gatehouse Builder' SIAH Procs, XLI, Part 3 (2007), 289-322.
- 'Church Furniture in medieval English and Welsh parish churches', Regional Furniture History Jnl., 21 (2007), 21-52.
- 'The early 13th-century choir-stalls and associated furniture at Rochester Cathedral', with drawings and notes by Cecil Hewett, and additional drawings by Paul Woodfield, in Medieval Art and Architecture at Rochester Cathedral (2002), ed. T. Tatton-Brown and T.J.F. Ayers, BAA Rochester Conference Trans., XXVIII (Leeds 2006), 130-145.
- 'Three Welsh Rood-Screens in South-East Wales', Cardiff. Medieval Art and Architecture in South Wales (2004), ed. J. Kenyon and D. Williams, BAA Cardiff Conference Trans, XXIX (Leeds 2006), 161-201.
- 'The Bishop's Palace at Mirepoix (Ariège) and French Renaissance oak panelling in a Scottish house', Antiquaries Journal, 85 (2005), 176-249.
- 'The Choir-Stalls', from C. Woodfield, The Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and some conventual buildings at the Whitefriars, Coventry, BAR Series, 389 (2005), 166-83.
- 'Colonel Robert Rushbrooke, MP (1779-1845): Antiquary and putative amateur architect'. SIAH Procs, XL, Part 3 (2004), 306-30.
- 'The Gondibour screen at Carlisle, and its stylistic antecedents', Medieval Art and Architecture at Carlisle Cathedral (2001), ed. M. Macarthy and D. Weston, BAA Carlisle Conference Trans (Leeds 2004), 175-98.
- Book review of K. Lemé-Heberterne (ed.), Autour des Stalles de Picardie et Normandie (Amiens 2001), Speculum, Autumn 2004.
- Woodwork catalogue entries in R. Marks and P. Williamson (eds), Gothic Art For England 1400-1547, exhibition catalogue, Victoria and Albert Museum (London 2003).
- 'The Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey stalls and their later re-modelling', in R. Mortimer (ed.), Westminster Abbey: The Lady Chapel of Henry VII, (Woodbridge 2003), 227-52.
- 'A forgotten Assumption of the Virgin. The reredos at St Andrew, Sandford-on-Thames, Oxfordshire', Apollo Magazine (September 2003), 15-22.
- 'The Adisham reredos and its significance in the history of early medieval English furnishings' (with Paul Woodfield et. al.), JBAA, 156 (2003), 27-28.
- Book review of Martin Biddle et al., King Arthur's Round Table: An Archaeological Investigation (Woodbridge 2000), Apollo Magazine (January 2002), 55-57.
- 'The choir-stalls at the priory church, Abergavenny', JBAA, CLV (2002), 203-54.
- 'A medieval bishop's throne at Lincoln Cathedral', Apollo Magazine (July 2002), 32-41.
- Book review of Corinne Charles, Stalles sculptées du xve siécle: Genève et le Duché de Savoie (Paris 1999), Apollo Magazine (January 2001), 57-58.
- 'Stalli del choro', in Enciclopedia Italiana (2000).
- 'Choir-stalls from the 14th-century Whitefriars Church in Coventry', JBAA, 150 (1997), 76-95.
- 'An English painted screen at Kingston Lacy', Apollo Magazine (July 1997), 20-28.
- Entries on Pews, and Stalls in Macmillan's Dictionary of Art, (1996).
- 'An early fourteenth-century oak screen from Winchester', JBAA, 147 (1994), 52-56.
- 'The Lady Chapel stalls', J. Crook, ed., Winchester Cathedral. Nine Hundred Years 1093-1993 (Chichester 1993), 231-46.
- 'Two thirteenth-century choir-stalls from Durham Cathedral', The Burlington Magazine, CXXXV (June 1993), 401-03.
- 'The St Albans Abbey watching chamber: A reassessment', JBAA, 145 (1992). 104-11.
- 'Medieval choir-stalls at Leighton Buzzard Church, Bedfordshire', Bedford Archaeology, 19 (1992), 40-50.
- 'Dating the misericords from the thirteenth-century choir-stalls at Exeter Cathedral', Medieval Art and Architecture at Exeter Cathedral (1985), ed. F. Kelly, BAA Exeter Conference Trans (Leeds 1991), 180-187.
- 'A medieval choirstall desk-end at Haddon Hall: The fox-bishop and the geese-hangmen' (with Malcolm Jones), JBAA, 144 (1991), 87-93.
- 'A boss from the Winchester Cathedral choir-stalls at the Victoria and Albert Museum', Hampshire Field Club Proceedings, 44 (1988), 87-93.
- 'The St David's Cathedral bishop's throne and its relationship to contemporary fourteenth-century ecclesiastical furniture in England', Archaeologia Cambrensis, 137 (1988), 113-118.
- Woodwork, theme essay and catalogue entries, in Age of Chivalry, Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400 (ed. J. Alexander and P. Binski), Royal Academy of Arts (1987), 118-121.
- 'The early fourteenth-century choir-stalls at Exeter Cathedral', The Burlington Magazine (February 1986), 99-102.
Publications forthcoming
Forthcoming publications include:
- 'Thomas Spring's Chantry at Lavenham, Suffolk' (with Hugh Harrison). English Chantry volume, BAAJ, 164, forthcoming.
- 'The Pulpitum/Rood-Screen at Hexham Priory', Medieval Art and Archaeology in Northumbria (2010), eds J. Luxford etc., BAA Newcastle on Tyne Conference Trans (Leeds), etc., forthcoming.
- Chapter on pews in a book to be published imminently by the Ecclesiological Society. Further details to be provided.