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Cobbold book

During the second half of the 19th century the name of Freston Tower was known to many people who'd never been anywhere near the River Orwell. This was entirely due to the publication in 1850 of a novel called "Freston Tower" by a local parson named Reverend Richard Cobbold.

This work of fiction, subtitled "A Tale Of The Times Of Cardinal Wolsey", suggested that Lord de Freston, in conjunction with a young William Latimer, had the Tower constructed sometime in the 15th century for Ellen, his daughter. According to the novel, Cardinal Wolsey, Ipswich's most celebrated son, also paid a number of visits to the Tower in his youth. (This imaginative version of events was taken apart piece-by-piece by Samuel Tymms in his 1856 paper published in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology.)

About the book and the author:

  • from "Freston Tower", the novel:
  • about the author:
  • from "Margaret Catchpole", his best known work:

Please let me know if you've got a copy of any of the Rev. Cobbold's other books.


Amended 22-May-2001 by EFB