EDitorial ± 6-Oct-2003
Now We Are Three
What you know and love as the weekly EDitorial (or what Dave Miller on the
guestbook pins down as my "inane ramblings") began in the first week of
October three long years ago with glistening
horse chestnuts and rhyming words.
Some have suggested that that should have been an end to it. Cue Viv & Neil with another equally penetrating observation:
The only thing that ever interests me...
Is me!
— I'm Bored, Bonzo Dog Band
Enough with the verbiage - let's run an ad:
To those who occasionally pop along or who wander in through the ill-fitting door courtesy of a poorly executed Google search - thank you. I don't think of you so much as a readership, more as a browsing coracle.
Be seeing you!