EDitorial ± 10-Mar-2006

Live At The Uni

Friday night is music night, as they used to say on Radio 2, and off to "one of the finest early Nonconformist churches in the country", says my newly acquired Wharncliffe Companion to Ipswich. For all my time in the town, I'd never been inside the Unitarian Meeting House, one of the dozen-or-so Grade I listed buildings we have.

Event was "Music For A Spring Evening" -- blinking cold out, actually -- put on by the Ipswich Building Preservation Trust and attended by both (a) the Great and (b) the Good. Headline act, indeed the only one on the bill, was Musicology, a lively local singing group, featuring my ex-trumpet teacher's younger sister on the keyboard, wouldn't you know.

Best bits, at least for me, were the various Noel Coward numbers: Mad Dogs and Englishmen ("they foam at the mouth and run"), Don't Put Your Daughter On The Stage ("she has nice hands"), and esp. I Went To A Marvellous Party. Quite the wit, that Mr Coward.

And a rousing finish with the top tune from a recent Guinness ad. Nope, not Leftfield's Phat Planet, but a rather good The Rhythm Of Life. Did you know that Dickens, apparently, was a Unitarian? Must check that out.