EDitorial ± 10-Oct-2014

Coffeelink Roastery

Not only does Kev know people, but he knows people who know people. Which is how team Light Lunch -- me, Andy and that Kev -- find ourselves at a top secret location on a small industrial estate in West Ipswich. It's 1pm and the door is open. Let the tour begin.

Meeting and greeting us is Azzouz, local caffeine kingpin and Mr Coffeelink. While he has highly recommended cafes on both the waterfront and the station, plus numerous others around East Anglia, the magic starts here in this anonymous unit. That whacking great gizmo in the rear is what we've come to see. If I'm not mistaken, that's a Toper roaster from their TKM-SX series. It's a beast.

Operating the Toper like a boss is Hakim. Green beans go in, the roasting process kicks off -- listen to those popcorn sounds -- and darkly coloured beans emerge. To quote an old advert: Oh, the smell of it! Azzouz patiently explains about single origins, arabica v. robusta, levels of bitterness, etc. But never mind the science: what does it taste like?

Fortunately Azzouz has a more domestic looking silver coffee machine on hand. He grinds a handful of beans, tamps them down and presses the button. What emerges is a fantastic looking double espresso with an impressive crema, the cloudy bit on top. All three of us sip carefully. Ah. Zing! That's a damn fine jolt right there. Agent Cooper would be mighty proud. Another, offers Azzouz? Why not, we say. We're all zinging for the rest of the afternoon and well into the evening.

Big thanks to Azzouz, Hakim and PatTheChat for being so hospitable. Give their website a vist.