EDitorial ± 13-Jul-2014
130Story: Slide / Touch / Stream / Mug / Flag
The rules of 130Story are simple: given a random seed word, write a story in 130 characters.
Big brother, go-karts, Cromer '69. Starfighters, Bentwaters '73. Uncle, boating lake, Lowestoft '75. Dad's slide shows had it all. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) July 11, 2014
John knows I can't eat egg. Anaphylaxis? No joke. At his BBQ, he stuck a Post-it on the salad bowl - Do Not Touch Me: I Am Caesar. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) July 11, 2014
Ness is Crusoe, enraptured by the music shells is Ness, until the Virginians lead him to the stream of conches, Ness, now he knows @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) July 9, 2014
We cast, we mould, we throw. We glaze, we draw, we fire. Practicals in my ceramics BA are a breeze. Theory part, I need to mug up. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) July 9, 2014
Perched on the prom, chip forks poised, we watch the sea reclaim our castles. Our gift shop flags stand defiant to the very end. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) July 8, 2014