EDitorial ± 16-Sep-2005
Day 16 === The Sound Sixteenth
Of note today:
- my dad's 70th birthday; hope he's having fun in Wroxham
- temperature had suddenly slid to suitable September levels
- watched & laughed at final Smoking Room; he's out at last
- staring at me from the car park near the bike sheds was a "12" reg.
- official word count for The Boy is now 55 words
- number of ice cream tubs in the freezer: zero
- Aero Bubbles - half choc, half mint - are more-ish
- can happily work on computer with Emiliana Torrini in background
- G. has removed fire guard from front room; been there for nearly ten years
- at 12:45am The Boy came downstairs to find me here; bit spooky