EDitorial ± 19-Jan-2009

Top 10 Signs That It's Too Wet To Bike To Work

Top 10 Signs That It's Too Wet To Bike To Work

  1. huge queues at Shell garage due to U-571 stuck between pumps 5 and 6
  2. Land Rover owners desperately flicking through handbook to find out what to do in wet weather
  3. Kesgrave Fisheries say that "we'll cook it if you can catch it"
  4. signs at work amended to say Spaces For Car And Kayak Sharers Only
  5. proposed merger of Ipswich pubs The Dove and The Olive Leaf
  6. Google maps now offering overlays of satellite, terrain and currents
  7. Cumberland Towers besieged by angry mob trying to make it to higher ground
  8. Friends of Broomhill Pool issue press release saying "I told you this would happen", later retracted when flooding found to be not limited to Norwich Road area
  9. handwritten sign in bike shop says Why Pedal Slow When You Can Pedalo?
  10. got the bike rack to myself

Man, that rain was heavy.