EDitorial ± 12-Apr-2024

Light Lunches: Ipswich, On The Huh / Cafe Myra

There existed a time, possibly entirely within my imagination, when we'd done all the caffs in The 'Swich.Take your eye off the ball, though, and you get behind -- like my weeding of the patio -- and there's a good half-dozen or more eateries, sometimes a new name at an old place.

So when Andy said "I can do Ipswich today" in his 10:52 text,I was already aiming to do a duet, minimum. I freewheeled and Andy fourwheeled to The Way of the Franciscan car park where he coughed up £2.20 via MiPermit. By the pay machine, noticed that the weird OBEY WOLSEY lettering had been painted over, no great loss.

— On The Huh —

Talking of the town's favourite cardinal, it's a short sunlit stroll from the bike rack and past Wolsey's birthplace (NB not his birthplace) to the very Suffolk-ly named On The Huh oppsite the great man's statue. We were here when Gordon Brown was hanging on as PM and this was Saints. Later became Jay B's, some sort of tapas joint and outwith our remit.

Anyway, wonky On The Huh promises sarnies and sausage rolls though 8-ball Andy (returned from Germany) goes for the "huffin", a unique warmed scone containing bacon and egg. I'd have had that too but pick the four-egg omelette, a throwback to the departed Pickwicks at Woodbridge. Comes with side salad and slides down nicely with a Curiosity Cola.

Comfy padded seats in a bright and airy corner location and with good-weather seating outside: well done, that couple. Regulars come and go for their takeaway baps and pastries. Strikes me as the type of place that would do well in that Felixstowe like Cafe On The Corner or Crescent Cafe. Inevitably my better networked friend sees someone he used to work with giving me a chance to browse the local news. Surprised to read in today's Ipswich Star that the owner of this very place has just put it up for sale!

— Cafe Myra —

As we did not too long back in Felixstowe, we'll do savoury at site one, sweet at site two. Must be all of 100m retracing our steps to Cafe Myra which replaced the decent but departed Doorsteps shortly pre-pandemic.

Nearing 2pm-ish, there's a cosy window seat available, which is nice. Last of the lunchtime folk are trudging back to work. Can ignore those many first course options -- I've had a vg jacket with chilli here before -- to focus on the sugary countertop choices. Andy sensibly picks the reduced sugar flapjack, an unexpected nod to his current diabetic state. Whereas I, who's been putting off a 50+ Well Man check for some months, point at the hunk of fruit cake. All good accompanied by a really good coffee, cheery service included.

Sun's still out when we climb the stairs up to St Nicholas Street and immediatelyl bump into an old table tennis contact. I'd like it noted that, unlike outside Hype recently, we both put a name to the face. Trevor, we agreed, and said our goodbyes, two more ticked off.

Completely forgetting this vist, we returned here in June 2024 to sample the savoury. Andy, this time back from Austria, had the not-very-Teutonic croque madame while I fed my face with a falafel salad bowl. Egg, rice, coleslaw, you name it, yum-yum. Obliged to continue the kaffee 'n' kuchen caper, followed this with an entirely reasonable blondie. Should I mention Andy's apple and cinnamon pudd with custard? Tut-tut, but tasty.