EDitorial ± 24-Oct-2007

TT0708, Week 7

Six games, six convincing wins: nobody was expecting this. Conceivably, we'll be seeded in the forthcoming knockout cup.

Up against the BT Hurricanes tonight who we sometimes see practicing in the TT hut. They look competent but were unable to reproduce their lunchtime form, all of 'em losing out to me and The Viper.

Kev showed his experience and breeding, winning a tricky five-ender in a final game deuce, but then came up against Yang. Never seen someone take so long to prepare each and every serve. And that upside-down Nike headband was Rupert-esque. Kev coulda shoulda won the first game, and did win the second. Then, egged on by Arvind, he choked like a New Zealander as Yang's points propagated. Wisely, he made no attempt to claim a place in the doubles.