EDitorial ± 1-Nov-2007

TT0708, Week 8

There are big games, and there are BIG games: tonight's was Rumble In The Jungle meets Le Crunch at Thunderdome. See, according to the latest results, four players, two from either side, were going into the match on 100%. There's no such thing as a draw in the gentlemanly art of ping pong -- you win or you lose. We're talking records gone, stats smashed, and male egos mauled.

Cutting to the chase and barely breaking a sweat, Andy easily secured his bragging rights, winning all games in straight ends (mind you, he's only turned up for less than half of our matches) with some down-the-line forehands.

I had more of a scrap, losing an end I should have won and winning an end I should have lost, but also kept my unbeaten and untouchable status. Hoorah!

With The Viper out of the country and Kev unavailable, hats off to Grenvyle for turning up and completing the classic BT Defiants 1996/97 line-up. He came, he stayed on his feet, and he even won an end or two before going home, sadly, with nothing.