EDitorial ± 2-Mar-2008

Dolmio, February 2008

We've got a whizzo new fireplace: it's grate! I know, I know. There's wood and black granite and, best of all, a place to burn stuff. Logs, newspaper briquettes, choccy bar wrappers, it's all good. Everything must go. Which reminds me that I should really catch up with Ashes To Ashes. Did you catch that Philip Glenister in Cranford? Coming of the railway and all that. Did for him too, poor fella. But that was at least a month back, like last month's Dolmio (Doings Of Last Month Innoparticular Order).

That is to say, an attempt to capture past(a) events before they slip... my... mind. February 2008 was spent:

  • creeping myself with late night reads of Will Storr vs. The Supernatural
  • settling down to The Bourne Ultimatum only to realise had forgotten everything about The Bourne Supremacy, so watched that instead
  • lunching at Lakenheath before being rear-ended at Newmarket
  • whizzing through several Laters with Jools including the mighty Radiohead and the unforgettable Feist
  • storming Framlingham Castle before a tasty cafe trip to Carley & Webb
  • seeing a half term film with the kids in the form of Alvin & The Chipmunks
  • seeing a film without the kids in the form of the little known No Country For Old Men
  • searching for buried treasure at Sutton Hoo
  • finally sitting down to watch Al Pacino strut his Cuban stuff in Scarface

And that was February 2008.