EDitorial ± 27-Sep-2010

TT1011, Week 3

Unwisely, perhaps, Andy C. had given Andy W. some hope with the news that that tonight's opposition finished third-bottom in last year's division 3. Coupled with a weekend practice, surely he'd be in with a good chance of a point?

That was before we discovered that none of last season's players would be facing us. New year, new team, old blood. In had come cranky Geoff, very quick given his advancing years, spinny double-barrel Chris (1) and ex-premier Chris (2). Saw a bit of Chris v. Chris in the warm-up and they looked a bit handy. Not gonna be Andy W's night, again.

  • Andy C. upset Chris (1) by winning a five-ender on an edge, then sneaked a determined five-end victory against Chris (2) before nearly but not quite coming unstuck against Geoff
  • Andy W. played some good stuff and went to deuce with Chris (1)
  • Ed beat Geoff in 3, Chris (1) in 4 and scraped past Chris (2) in 5

Which leaves Andy -- C, not W. -- clinging on to his 100%% record, and the other Andy -- W., not C. -- yet to get off the mark. Not sure when, but he will do it.

NB Deep blue table tonight. Good temperature, unlike our last visit a few years back. Plus they were good enough to make us a cuppa halfway through, bless 'em.