EDitorial ± 25-Nov-2010

TT1011, KO Cup, Round 1

At first glance, we thought we had a bye into the second round of this year's knock-out cup. Not so: first round game to play against our comrades, the BT B52s. Being in the dizzy heights of division 1, the onus is on them to win each game and by the largest number of points. Every points counts.

PC Andy's brought a spectator, a lady, and is out to impress. Despite being out of his depth and with a harsh handicap, he conjures up some cracking shots, perhaps still riding high after his first league point earlier this week. Shame that those opponents are super-consistent. And none of us really come close to cracking Stuart's spinny serve.

Ed and Andy C have their moments, Ed beating Don outright and the two of them coming back from 20-15 down to win their doubles. Over time, though, the B52s' lead grows and grows, and the result isn't ever in doubt. Free to focus on the league, again.