EDitorial ± 5-Oct-2012

Felixstowe Light Lunches: Crafty Coffee

Leipzig is calling. Diplomatic bag from from Our Man In Havana -- though why he'd know, we don't know, being over 5,000 miles away -- hints of a new location for lunch. Errata: for Leipzig, read Felixstowe; for Havana, read Felixstowe; for Felixstowe news, read the Ipswich Star.

Full throttle finds us a fine free spot on Wolsey Gardens. Sun's out, too, as we remove our bowlers in Bonnet. Except that Bonnet is gone, eh? In its place stands Crafty Coffee -- Arts And Crafts By The Sea -- open for less than two months. Quite the transformation from vintage to modern with low hanging lights, modern art and a groovy Karlsson clock. Plus large display cabinets and shelves of objects to decorate, for that is their angle. We're in All Fired Up stroke Jars Of Clay territory.

In keeping with the ceramics cafe culture, savoury offerings are limited, so it's a welcome pack of chilli kettle chips while we lounge on the comfy chairs in the window. The furniture's bright, the furniture's orange. Back on the counter is a modest selection of good-looking cakes. Would be wrong to have an orange without its nursery rhyme counterpart, hence lemon drizzle for me with the ever-present Americano on the side. Can't say I'm any the wiser about the do's and dont's of decopatch but the cafe and coffee are very good.

If it was a car -- V70 Caresto.
If they were passing by -- Neil Buchanan.