EDitorial ± 14-Sep-2014
130Story: Bank / Heat / Belt / Honey / Page / Rat
The rules of 130Story are simple: given a random seed word, write a story in 130 characters.
(1/6) BANK was boiling. A/C broken. In she glided, bang on time, up to my line. Clammy & clumsy, I dropped my pen. Help you, miss? @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) September 11, 2014
(2/6) HEAT getting to you? She eyed my ID tag. Jimmy boy, we'll start small. I'm taking this. My pen vanished. No telling, teller. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) September 11, 2014
(3/6) BELT of her coat loose, a glint of metal. Jimmy, be cool. That stack of 20s? Hand 'em over. I was Bugs Bunny in headlights. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) September 11, 2014
(4/6) HONEY, no heroics. You're no Cagney and I'm certainly no Lacey. She tilted her beret. Now gimme the Adam Smiths, quick snap. @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) September 11, 2014
(5/6) PAGE? I whispered. Page, sweetie, this sounded fun last night but I need this job. Now buckle up and I'll see you later, OK? @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) September 11, 2014
(6/6) RAT me out, would you, Jimmy boy? Sure is stuffy in here. Out came the pistol. Didn't look fake. Anyone need a little air? @130story
— Ed Broom (@edbroom) September 11, 2014