EDitorial ± 8-Feb-2017

TT1617, Capel C v. St Margarets Manor B

After Monday's match against capable Capel, I tried to gee up poor Helen who'd taken a bit of a beating, losing in straight games to all three opponents. Didn't even go to deuce. She was, understandably, down. Little did I imagine that I, me, 50-per-cent Ed, would be in exactly that boat 48 hours later. For I, too, lost in straight games this evening against all three opponents. Didn't even go to deuce. I am, understandably, down.

I dunno, maybe it's not too bad. After all, we got whitewashed on our last visit to the downtown Manor Club. They're a top side with three TopQual players. Credit then, to the other members of the team.

First to Steve who, after having grabbed one end from Michael, showed great patience to overcome codger Des in five tough games. Some scalp for Steve. Then to our Natalie, down in the dumps after being out-walloped by tenacious Rosemary but who then bounced back bigtime to out-hit Michael and, as a bonus, out-fox Des. Two much-needed and hard-earned points for the Defiants.

Unusual experience for me to score the doubles. I clearly didn't deserve to play. That was never going our way. Still, 7-3 defeat ain't bad.