EDitorial ± 23-Oct-2017

TT1718, Wherstead Meteors v. Defiants

Third game of the season and Steve is returned from his intensive ping-pong training camp high in the Rocky Mountains. Pretty sure he was on his hols, actually, but good to have one of the core Defiants back in the fold for our trip to Wherstead. I gave directions to Richard and was confident he'd find the place. Shame I didn't tell him about the secret door to the stable block. He didn't really need a warm-up anyway.

Through the magic portal to find two familiar faces in no-longer-Smart Gordon and Which Computing Colin, plus taoist Phil. Notable notes:

  • Richard and Ed off to equal flying starts
  • many many nets & edges, predominantly in our favour
  • Steve, up against Colin, stalled at the finish line
  • very same Steve bounced back to easily beat Gordeon before sneaking past Phil in five mighty tight ends
  • biskwits galore: Oreos and Fig Rolls and choc digestives, plus choice of cordial
  • topspin Richard barely troubled: nine ends, nine wins
  • Phil seemed to question his whole belief system by saying "I don't believe it" when Steve scraped yet another net
  • Ed, comfortably 2-0 up against Gordon, took his foot off the pedal, went behind in the final end, got back to deuce, then lost
  • reasonably straightforward doubles win for 100-per-cent Richard and less-than-100-per-cent Ed

Believe that's 20 points from three games. Highly acceptable.