EDitorial ± 1-Jul-2021

Red 'Wich

James Callaghan's in Holly Lodge still waiting at the church
By Clarks a fed up Michael Foot forgoes his Footmans search
Neil Kinnock tuts at each closed shop from Quiz to Evolution
While John Smith chats to Johnny Wark re Scottish devolution

Dockside, Tony Blair says mea culpa for The Ark
As Gordon Brown climbs Constitution Hill to Christchurch Park
Milliband lurks by the stand that serves the sizzling pork
Spots Corbyn cycling to the jam night at The Duke of York

Ranelagh Road's abuzz as our man labours with the lingo
Tory sleaze? That’s thirty-three!
Johnson's den? It’s number 10!
Keir Starmer's at the bingo