EDitorial ± 14-Sep-2007

Felixstowe Light Lunches: Coffee Shop

This week's venue was self-selecting by virtue of (a) being on the nearest edge of Felixstowe town centre and (b) having stacks of free parking. I guess it was a smart move to chop the final 200m of railway track some years ago, allowing all that space by Homebase to be used.

Grab your gratuitous P spot, point your feet townwards (see map) and the first refreshment place you hit within the old station is ... well, I missed the name on the way in and it wasn't at all obvious once sat down. Popped back out to discover we were in the Coffee Shop (marketing boys on overtime). Can't be sure about that definite article either.

Inside is akin to being in a large conservatory, albeit without the condensation and wicker furniture. Thumbs aloft for lots of natural light through the glass roof. Confusingly, no printed menus on the tables: everything's on one small-ish blackboard propped up by an eclectic selection of (ex-library?) books for sale.

No pretensions here -- I had the double sausage & egg bap (on brown or white), yolkily consumed with some squeezy ketchup and washed down with a Yazoo milkshake. GS chose a daily special of ham/chips/peas and was delighted to find out that this included, gratis, a dessert of peaches & cream. Bonus!

Nothing fancy about afters either. There's an assortment of cakes and slices already dished out on, er, dishes, lined up and waiting. Ninety degrees of bakewell? Twenty centimetres of Swiss Roll? I was swayed by the sheer size of the fruit cake: take a large adult portion, then double it. Yum, cake, and plenty of it. Had no great hopes for the coffee, then raised by sight of proper looking machine. Sadly the end result wasn't worthy of a postcard home. Still, quick service (are you listening, Mr Bonnet?) and top value for money.

If it was a car -- Austin Allegro.
If they were passing by -- Billy Bragg.