EDitorial ± 3-Apr-2012

TT1112, Week 26

Out on a rainy A12 to Holton St Mary. Just about found that gap in the hedge before the light completely faded. Here's our old friends Ken, Rupert and, new face, Denise. Alas, no sign of Mick, out injured, who's only lost one all season. As they say, you've got to play the person in front of you. In brief:

  • maximum for Ed, somehow, coming back from 2-1 down to topple canny Ken
  • maximum for Andy, somehow, scraping past tough matches with Ken and Denise
  • brace for Kennedy, pipped by crafty Ken in the fifth end

Straightforward doubles win for Ed and Andy. Big mention for Denise and her food-related non-swearing, including:

  • rhubarb!
  • doughnut!
  • nuts!
  • sausages and bananas!

And she was good enough to make us a mid-game cuppa. Happy with that 9-1 win.