EDitorial ± 2-Sep-2007

Woodbridge Coffee Shops

Fancy a light lunch in Woodbridge, or maybe just a cuppa and a piece of cake? On Friday lunchtimes between April and August in 2007, members of the BT Defiants table tennis team undertook a summer tour of each & every caff, cafe and coffeehouse.

Thanks to:

  1. Grenvyle for driving, most of the time,
  2. and Andy for painstakingly creating/updating his official map of Woodbridge cafes

We supped, we nibbled, and we did it all for ... ourselves. Jolly nice it was too. Here's the full set of reviews:

  1. Artizan, Gobbitts Yard
  2. Beech Tree, Notcutts
  3. Browsers -- cafe gone 2014
  4. Caffe Nero
  5. Caravan Cafe
  6. Coffeelink, Whisstocks
  7. The Cooks Shed, Gobbitts Yard
  8. Costa Coffee
  9. Christine's -- gone 2023, replaced by Maeve's
  10. Cumberland Fish Bar
  11. Drift
  12. East Coast Diner
  13. Eat Drink Rugby -- gone 2015, replaced by The Cooks Shed
  14. Farmers' Market, monthly at the community hall
  15. Frangipani -- gone 2013, replaced by Cumberland Fish Bar
  16. The Firestation
  17. Georgian Coffee House -- gone 2019, replaced by Drift
  18. Green Olive Deli -- gone 2015
  19. Honey & Harvey
  20. Jars Of Clay -- moved 2014 to Rendlesham
  21. Maeve's
  22. Moorish Lounge -- gone 2012, replaced by The Table
  23. Mrs Piper's
  24. New Street Market
  25. The Pavilion -- revisited 2020
  26. Pickwicks Tea Rooms -- gone 2010, replaced by Eat Drink Relax
  27. Pizza I Paella (pop-up outside the Riverside)
  28. Riverside Kiosk
  29. Sandwich Shop
  30. Subway, The Co-op
  31. The Table
  32. Tea Hut -- revisited 2015
  33. Two Magpies
  34. Waterfront Cafe -- gone 2010
  35. Whistlestop Cafe
  36. Wild Strawberry Cafe
  37. Woodbridge Deli
  38. Woodbridge Fine Food Company -- gone 2014 and replaced by the Woodbridge Deli

Next stop Felixstowe!